Sunday, May 14, 2006

"What would it be like if you
contemplated my words and I felt
mei-mei berssenbrugge

it is near time again to plant tomatoes, the garden
is willing and weather seems good enough

when i think of you i think of seeds

this may be a germ that will flower however nicely you require
a yellow that inwards into a darker yellow as does firmness as does wonder

my hands no longer flail in small circles waiting, i have words that do
that job for me, they pause and also yes they give
a hello also adore bifurcated as many as needed, need seedness
regarded garden folded flora as simple as onetwo

through yes you pulse, following me as do almosts mostly always
similar and sibilant, thine and thirsty
without creates, loneliness is a conductor

have this take this read this put this in your holding place and consider, turn it and breathe please


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