Wednesday, June 13, 2012

back to writing more about more, thank you ethan for the impetus....

i finished the book "we need to talk about kevin" a week was a good one...heck of an ending....but it did not make me feel as though i had been somewhere...i may need to finally crack open the new murakami or dfw get some kinda deepdown in me.

i am still unemployed. since last july.
recently started only drinking on the weekends.
recently started help my energy level
may do a cleanse, not sure yet....

still on a bowling league with my ex, sometimes it is difficult, sometimes not.

my car needs transmission work and has not been running for more than a month.

there are junebugs flitting about and dying on my table.


Blogger woodyfanon said...

it must be tough not working as when I knew you, you were working constantly. Although, if you had an abundance of time, you need to write to me.
Did you see Mazzy Star?!

4:49 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i did not see them, another day maybe....or maybe just let the dream of hope live and not fuck it up......

11:53 PM  
Blogger Butcher said...

have I mentioned lately that I hate you... fuck you and your ability to writeprettywordsfromsomeotherwherever and I could kiss you if you were here or I there.

9:44 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

thank you dearness....i have been so down on me lately..this helps...

10:20 PM  

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