Friday, June 22, 2012

handbook of poetic forms - #1, abstract poem

i, you (endbracket] am an other/1is the l
oneliest #
other than strungout, twentycents short.

oh ballast that you were, broken oar i was
broken o'er you.

birds that flower pistilchirp, tweetStamenmoan, oh this happens miles away
from you
accustomed to sleeping the day away
who gives what occurs in concurrent countries acres away.....?


onion applied as poultice, i smell everything i touch because i never know when i will be dead.
and death is no parentheses, solo a comma, shall we watch the tape, rewind the last 15years?
weep over unsaid undone failure to regret
can you cut the throat and solve
the problem
or is everything oversalted in your world?

i deal with the ghosted presence of your absence by


Blogger Butcher said...

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9:38 PM  
Blogger Butcher said...

I was never much one for the whole brackets and odd placements of lines and dots such type things but the rest of it was a feast in the countryside of some place far away and close by - a Paris park or Italian villa ala Stealing Beauty. an Opinel knife, a bottle of wine, some cheese and an apple... the taste is wonderful.

9:45 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

there was a lot of anger in it...

10:19 PM  

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