Tuesday, June 26, 2012

handbook of poetic forms - #3 - allegory

ok let's pretend that just about thirteen assholes
are bound
and bound
towards a wall and all they see
are shadows thrown and sounds swollen
now let's pretend
that this matters

i fucking hate allegory and have always had a dislike
philosophy majors, also those that call themselves philosophers, actual philosophers
don't bother me so much, because they are too busy
writing journal articles to try their best to make me seem wrong, and them right.
so the idea of a world of philosopher kings
to me
is just about the worst idea ever.

fuck plato and his cave and fuck
the republic.

this exercise was a failure.


Blogger Butcher said...

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9:42 PM  
Blogger Butcher said...

Now that I've figured out how to post under the proper post... don't think of this in terms of "The Cave" think - Pandora's Box.

9:47 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i will consider that...philosophers just piss me off...

10:18 PM  

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