randall fairbrook

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

i go there early to enjoy the calm
i a
i early joy encalm there go the to
i an
i calm there a an enjoy earlythere
i a an
i there to a calm enjoy earlyearly
i early
i a there to early calm joy enjoy
i calmjoy
i a go early there joy do calm go
i early joy
i calm joy enjoy there early a the
i go joy early
i go there early to a calm the joy
i calm joy early
i go there early the to calm enjoy
early i calm joy
there i go early to enjoy the calm
i there go joycalm
early there i go calm enjoy joy am
joy you the an alm
i am calmcalm enjoy joy early a the
you i may marry there
enjoy boy you do adore, there care
earlier boy carry air
as do adore, a door ado, ajar afar
can also answer alphabet
palms of alms of maybes bitten arm
undo harm my shoulder yes
if of this can go then certain earth
untorn and fixed a path
the rather more for smallheart glue
ado you so unflex oh
refraction action flicker biology a
corner comfort yes
a darling starling bird of eyeturn
hands when need
amble through discomfort you adore
arm yes arm warm over under press
a mess yes
failing a mouths of falling never
open the book, press it to a you
a hurried unworried windful tone
as this does water shift unglue
with hope bird heat over yellow
bless yesses a low hello adore

this heat makes the fan above go whirr like a bird outside that would be hiding in this heat. the bird outside beaks a noise sometimes that it would behoove you to hear, a small “i am here” or perhaps an “i know you are there” it is filtered through the flowers over the grass, past the window screens to me, through this paper to you, focus for me if you would on the possibility of a bird that equals happenstance or a bird with a name tag that says “if”. there are trees here and i know near you there also are. if i were smallbeaked or rather littlefooted and i hopped sideways i would look up at you and beg for things, starbuckslike, they are always there but also here in these trees or rather by you near the window that gives, that is a frame for what will be. what is reflected in such small eyes, what questions answered or what topography mirrored? is the geography of the body consistent with the philosophy of the heart or are there different capillaries involved? is the interstitial superficial in regards to the aorta or rather what it represents? the thumb on my left hand, as important as it is, is bigger than any bird heart really, it’s no use to argue, i just feel that way. the sadness however of a finger ignored so often is relevant. when it is no longer there, is that when you start caring? the love of a bird for another bird or a tree or the attention of a human hand is circular. there is an eye and then an attention and a giving pleasure then a thank you then it returns. they will not go away angry, they will not harm my tomatoes growing, they will never raise their voices above the sound of a faraway freeway. the belly of a bird is never full fully, the bird with the belly is always somehow smiling and the smile of a bird is forever finally goodness. the want of a bird is mostly always small, the giving of a you or me is constant. the bird that is named you is the bird that is named me and the words that this bird gives are faith and yes and hello.

a hello to goodbird, to calm mostly thisthus