Thursday, June 28, 2012

handbook of poetic forms - 4 - alliteration

from what i gather you would rather often not anything than with this thus must. though this
is missed most when unnoticedly notboasted. you are most moused as ever save for moments
fevered unexplained. nosuchthing. you are as though wishy washy dark, untranslated and oh
very unnecessarily clouded, verily.

she had flowers inside of her hair that she was just unwilling to share.

the coffee i made in her kitchen, resting against the sad refrigerator had goddamned tears in it.


Blogger Butcher said...

I'm still having a problem with Alliteration... perhaps I'm trying to make too much sense and not playing enough with the sound of it. After seeing this I'll take another crack at it...

9:48 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

it helps to say the words aloud and consider your tongue all the while...

10:17 PM  

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