randall fairbrook

Thursday, June 28, 2012

handbook of poetic forms - 5 - alphabet poem

Am bored 'cause
diana echoes
furiously gained hopes.

i just
keenly lost.

maybe nothing
or piss
quiets raging sirens.

time understands
violent want.


handbook of poetic forms - 4 - alliteration

from what i gather you would rather often not anything than with this thus must. though this
is missed most when unnoticedly notboasted. you are most moused as ever save for moments
fevered unexplained. nosuchthing. you are as though wishy washy dark, untranslated and oh
very unnecessarily clouded, verily.

she had flowers inside of her hair that she was just unwilling to share.

the coffee i made in her kitchen, resting against the sad refrigerator had goddamned tears in it.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

handbook of poetic forms - #3 - allegory

ok let's pretend that just about thirteen assholes
are bound
and bound
towards a wall and all they see
are shadows thrown and sounds swollen
now let's pretend
that this matters

i fucking hate allegory and have always had a dislike
philosophy majors, also those that call themselves philosophers, actual philosophers
don't bother me so much, because they are too busy
writing journal articles to try their best to make me seem wrong, and them right.
so the idea of a world of philosopher kings
to me
is just about the worst idea ever.

fuck plato and his cave and fuck
the republic.

this exercise was a failure.

Friday, June 22, 2012

handbook of poetic forms - #1, abstract poem

i, you (endbracket] am an other/1is the l
oneliest #
other than strungout, twentycents short.

oh ballast that you were, broken oar i was
broken o'er you.

birds that flower pistilchirp, tweetStamenmoan, oh this happens miles away
from you
accustomed to sleeping the day away
who gives what occurs in concurrent countries acres away.....?


onion applied as poultice, i smell everything i touch because i never know when i will be dead.
and death is no parentheses, solo a comma, shall we watch the tape, rewind the last 15years?
weep over unsaid undone failure to regret
can you cut the throat and solve
the problem
or is everything oversalted in your world?

i deal with the ghosted presence of your absence by

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

back to writing more about more, thank you ethan for the impetus....

i finished the book "we need to talk about kevin" a week ago..it was a good one...heck of an ending....but it did not make me feel as though i had been somewhere...i may need to finally crack open the new murakami or dfw book...to get some kinda deepdown in me.

i am still unemployed. since last july.
recently started only drinking on the weekends.
recently started juicing.....to help my energy level
may do a cleanse, not sure yet....

still on a bowling league with my ex, sometimes it is difficult, sometimes not.

my car needs transmission work and has not been running for more than a month.

there are junebugs flitting about and dying on my table.

handboook of poetic forms - acrostic #2

Always almosting
Never early an isthmus unto me

Happenstance, sidestep
Excess of dormouse

Dawdling amarylis
Oh, naan

Nattering matters