randall fairbrook

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

handbook of poetic forms - 6 - apostrophe

O lexapro!

you ruiner, you faithful small caucasian thing. you
20 milligrams of hope, of things dashed, of times past no longer remembered. you
are a keeper, an instrument of paralysis.

you joy undoer, you are delete delete delete and i
am what you want me to be, my tongue is your house is your hollow.
i am no longer i so cannot say i allow this cancellation of myself of
my me.

i serve a different lord now, an unguent to lost folk and an unkind thief of memories.
i have forgotten what love feels like. i
am tabula rasa, obdurate and oblivious.
full of regret for the emptiness of my ambition.

i don't remember me much but i know you...