randall fairbrook

Saturday, April 06, 2013

i need an excuse.....

give me a second i
i need to get my story straight....

i have felt like uselessness for about ten years straight....

my lovers they don't wait for me
they've got their own lives....

and i am here marinating just about as full as i
can take myself

now i know few expect anything and that is ok......but
i wonder what could be.......

and i feel like shit in a crock pot....and i feel like the wrong person always always
so...when you leave the doorway...maybe maybe sigh........and
give more than me did
more than i

i have forgotten in a cosmic badness my tithe
to the universe
to you
to me
to diana
to tristian
to jaiden
to mom
to the things that mattered and i
am far from aflutter
because i owe so much and i am wheatfield free as free can be
my decadedoubts are aliveandthriving

welcome to